David Caleb
Throughout Dave’s career as an international educator, he has combined his passions - technology, education and photography.
He is the author of a number multitouch books. His book, The Photographer’s Toolkit, is designed to help people add skills to their photography repertoire and capture powerful images. He has also authored a free book, Stories Through the Lens, which supports iPhone and iPad photography.
Dave has used Nikon cameras for over twenty years and loves the quality and versatility of the Nikon system. Regardless of the subject matter, from the super macro images captured with his bellows and micro Nikkor lenses, to the Creative Lighting System of Speedlights and the incredibly sharp lenses, his equipment is ready for anything.
Although he loves his digital workflow, Dave continues to use a wet darkroom and enjoys teaching young kids the process of capturing an image on film, developing the negatives, and printing on photo paper.
Dave has worked with a number of schools in Cambodia and Nepal to support the teachers enhance the teaching and learning in their schools.